The web site,, an e-commerce web site dedicated to furthering the knowledge of and the selling of fancy guppies and supplies, was created. This web site provides information on breeding, genetics, shipping, nutrition, and how to purchase fancy guppies. The aesthetics and substance associated with it including; logos, promotional videos and tutorials, along with an e-mail marketing campaign and social media presences were also crafted. These aforementioned items serve as content, driving customers to the web site while simultaneously establishing a relationship between customers and the brand.
Fancy guppy breeders are a unique group who meticulously hone their craft and envelop themselves in the science and do-it-yourself mentality. They require extensive amounts of information and content in order to develop a relationship with companies. After extensively analyzing their behaviors an e-commerce website was developed and populated with spreadable content and easy to navigate structures. Instructional videos on common guppy breeding activities and an overall graphical branding was developed.
The Show Guppy brand now comprises a fully functioning e-commerce website where guppy and guppy supplies can be purchased, a YouTube channel housing tutorial videos, social media channels, and complete logo and branding components. Numerous sales have come through the website and engagement on tutorial videos and social media outlets has been well received. Overall the client has been very pleased with the results and continues to provide valuable resources to fancy guppy enthusiasts.
Video Tutorials
An example of the tutorial videos created for the Show Guppy Brand. Each video starts with a custom introduction using branding components found throughout the website and social media. These videos allow people to learn techniques for building their own fish rooms, among other things, while simultaneously establishing brand loyalty.